The Hershy Way Story

The Hershy Way Story

The Hershy Way story began 1988 as a manufacturer for cattle feeders. Looking for a new product line to complement the seasonality of their feeders. Hershy Way became one of the first picnic tables manufacturers in Holmes County, Ohio. Realizing picnic tables were a great advertisement, they placed them along the roadway so people passing by could see the quality of their products. Of course, limited storage space also meant there were many stacks of picnic tables along the driveway. Local retailers began receiving personalized delivery from Hershy Way’s pickup truck and trailer piled high with outdoor furniture.

The Hershy Way Story

Today, Hershy Way manufacturing facility has expanded to make so furniture can be stored inside, and their delivery methods been upgraded from the little pickup truck and trailer. Even with these improvements, Hershy Way remains committed to personal connections with their customers and attention to detail in their manufacturing process.

The Hershy Way Story

Hershy Way’s line of outdoor furniture has now grown to include swings, deck chairs, dining sets, garden tables, and more. Their furniture is made using long-lasting materials such as cypress, treated wood, and poly lumber. Much of their product line has been developed for drop shipping in smaller packages, making them a good fit for many online-only dealers.

 On behalf of all of us at Hershy Way Ltd, we thank you for your patronage, and we look forward to serving your needs in the near future!


The Hershberger Family